I've decided to set up a blog to help keep everyone updated on Lynn's progress. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and kind thoughts. Since I haven't always been able to answer each of your calls and texts, you can get updates on the blog. Please feel free to comment as I will be sharing this blog with Lynn as he recovers.

Also, posts before March 28 will say they were posted by my daughter because we set up the blog under her email address.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Today was another good day. I am continuing to see baby steps in Lynn's progress. He is opening his eyes to less painful stimuli more frequently. He still looks as though nobody's home and he only keeps them open for a couple of seconds, but it is occurring more frequently. I feel we are getting closer. Also, they have decided to replace his very expensive Sodium Phenylacetate ($15,000 a bag per day) with the oral version to be put down his dobbhoff tube which is a lot less expensive. Let's hope that his digestive tract can absorb and his ammonia levels stay down. If we are successful with that, we will introduce the next thing. The doctors are wanting to make only one change at a time so they can see what works and what doesn't. I look forward to seeing what baby step Lynn makes tomorrow.


AlexFam said...

Hooray! Lynn has so much to wake up for...baby steps are awesome!