I've decided to set up a blog to help keep everyone updated on Lynn's progress. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and kind thoughts. Since I haven't always been able to answer each of your calls and texts, you can get updates on the blog. Please feel free to comment as I will be sharing this blog with Lynn as he recovers.

Also, posts before March 28 will say they were posted by my daughter because we set up the blog under her email address.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sorry I haven't updated for a couple of days. Consider no new, good news. When things are pretty much the same, I don't have a lot to report so I don't. Today was a good day in that Lynn is beginning to look more like himself since less and less tubes are going into him. He now only has one small tube (Dobbhoff) tube going up his nose. They discontinued his NG tube to suction. He has been off Lactalose for 2 days now and his ammonia levels continue to be low. Because he is no longer on the Lactalose which causes constant diarrhea, he no longer requires the rectal tube. He is still receiving all of his medications either by SQ (Lovenox) or IV. He is now down to receiving the following medications. Arginine, Sodium Phenylacetate (this is the really expensive one), TPN (his nutrition), Potassium, Lovenox, and Levoquin (for a UTI). This is down considerably from when he had 21 drips going at the beginning. Probably the most exciting thing that happened was when I was suctioning his trach, (yes, I am suctioning my husband's trach if a nurse isn't in the room to do it and it needs it) Lynn opened his eyes, blinked and then closed them slowly. This happened right before it was time for me to leave. He still looks as if no one is home, and his eyes were only open for a few seconds, but when he started to slowly close them, I was telling him, "no, don't close your eyes!" but he didn't listen. Still though, it was exciting because until then, he was only opening them when the neuro team inflicted great pain. I guess that getting all of your oxygen sucked out of your airway is just as traumatic now, so I got the same response. I really do feel that Lynn is closer to the surface of waking up than he has been and he continues to make small progress daily. His neurologist told me today that when she was researching his condition, she found two other case studies that matched his. These people were in their 30's and 40's and were never diagnosed until they were given steroids and had similar reactions. The good news she had was that they both went on to make full recoveries! So I remain more hopeful and will continue to pray that Lynn will follow the same course they did. I know you are all fasting and praying for him as well. I know the Lord is answering our prayers. Until the next update, God bless all of you.