I've decided to set up a blog to help keep everyone updated on Lynn's progress. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and kind thoughts. Since I haven't always been able to answer each of your calls and texts, you can get updates on the blog. Please feel free to comment as I will be sharing this blog with Lynn as he recovers.

Also, posts before March 28 will say they were posted by my daughter because we set up the blog under her email address.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

So the update for the day is this. I received a phone call from Lynn's doctor this morning. For some reason, at night Lynn seems to experience setbacks. Last night, his ammonia levels spiked up to over 200 again. His ICP rose up to 50. It seems that since they started introducing his meds and special diet through his NG tube and stopped the IV meds, the levels are very sporatic. Evidently his digestive system is not absorbing well enough to be able to rely on it to absorb all of his meds effectively. That makes his GI system too unreliable to administer meds and nutrition effectively. So for the time being, they are administering everything except Lactolose by IV. Earlier he was breathing off his excess 02 on his own, but now he is not. So they have adjusted the vent to help him. They have also restarted the propofol at a very low rate to help control his ICP as well as his blood pressure. They did a CT scan and he still has pretty good swelling on the brain. Although the pressure on the brain is very concerning, the neurologist does not think that anything we are seeing is not reversable. The problem with Lynn's condition is, they know what's causing this, the problem is, they are still not sure of how to treat it. Because this is a very rare metabolic condition, the treatment is still trial and error. He is still in a catabolic state, and until his body brings itself out of that state, they will continue to treat the symptoms. We have a wonderful team of doctors working with us. It's too bad we can't call House to come consult! We continue to pray that Lynn will make a recovery and return to us. We appreciate all of your prayers as well. We'll stay in touch.


MaryJo said...

"" It's too bad we can't call House to come consult!""

Yea! House could figure it out ....( Don't we all wish it could be that easy)

Lynns body must just not be ready quite yet for some reason.
Hopefully soon he will wake and be on the road to recovery.
Your family is still in our thoughts and prayers each day.
Stay Strong....

MaryJo and Robin

Haley Kraaima said...

We really wish we could be there more for you Tina....it's killing Neil that he hasn't been able to be there more. We are hoping things start turning for the better soon. Love you guys, Neil, Haley, Nicki, Evan and Cy Kraaima