I've decided to set up a blog to help keep everyone updated on Lynn's progress. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and kind thoughts. Since I haven't always been able to answer each of your calls and texts, you can get updates on the blog. Please feel free to comment as I will be sharing this blog with Lynn as he recovers.

Also, posts before March 28 will say they were posted by my daughter because we set up the blog under her email address.

Monday, February 15, 2010

So I thought I would give a brief history for those of you who have only recently heard about Lynn's predicament. Then you can continue by looking at all of my posts since I started.
Last Sunday night he started vomiting. I thought it was the flu. Monday he was still sick, but my daughter said she had "kind of a weird conversation with him". He went to work on Tuesday because he had an important meeting he needed to be to even though I wanted him to stay home because he was acting a little "slow". I called to check on him that afternoon and his secretary said he was acting a bit strange and doing some bizarre things. I called his doctor and told him I thought he was having steroid psychosis because he was acting a bit strange. He said to half the dose of the prednisone the next day. I went and picked him up from work and he was still coherent so I took him home to rest. Later that evening he was obviously getting worse so I took him to the ER. He became very uncooperative and I had to call his brother to come help me get him in the car and to the hospital. By the time we got him there, he didn't know who I was. He was fighting us and kept trying to climb out of the bed so we had to keep holding him down. They admitted him to IMC, by the next day he was in a self-induced coma, his ammonia levels were up to 400. The interesting thing was, his liver tests were not out of whack, they were normal. By Wednesday night he was in the ICU at McKay and by Thursday morning, they decided to ship to the U. After we got to the U, my kids set up a blog where I have been keeping his progress or lack of progress updated. If you read the past posts, you will have a chronological record of events.
This morning there really isn't anything new to report. His ICP level went up a little last night while they were doing some stuff that evidently bugged him, so he is back on the sedation. They took him for another CT scan early this morning but I haven't heard anything and haven't seen the doctor yet this morning. I'll update as I can.


Paul Bachman said...


Thanks so much for starting this blog. We've been so worried and it's really nice to get constant updates (we also really appreciate the updates from Roger and Diane). We are praying for you guys. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

Paul, Christina, Kort and Cohen Bachman